Prof. Dr. Hasan Huseyin ERKAYA
- Research Interests: Semiconductors and Electronic Circuits
- Email: hherkaya -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3259
- Office: B-203
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman KARAMANCIOGLU
- Research Interests: System Theory and Control
- Email: akaraman -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: https://web.ogu.edu.tr/akaraman
- Phone: 3267
- Office: B-211
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Salih FADIL
- Research Interests: Analysis, Design, Reliability and Transmission in Energy Systems
- Email: sfadil -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: http://sfadil.ogu.edu.tr
- Phone: 3264
- Office: B-208
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. M. Bilginer GULMEZOGLU
- Research Interests: Signal Analysis and Recognition
- Email: bgulmez -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3261
- Office: B-205
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Osman PARLAKTUNA
- Research Interests: Robotics, Image Processing
- Email: oparlak -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Office: B-206
- Phone: 3262
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Rifat EDIZKAN
- Research Interests: Speech and Image Processing, Pattern Classification, Digital System Design
- Email: redizkan -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: http://redizkan.ogu.edu.tr
- Phone: 3263
- Office: B-207
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Gokhan CINAR
- Research Interests: Scattering and Propagation of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves
- Email: gcinar -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: http://gokhancinar.ogu.edu.tr
- Phone: 3260
- Office: B-204
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Hakan CEVIKALP
- Research Interests: Pattern Classification, Computer Vision, Optimization, Machine Learning
- Email: hakan.cevikalp -AT- gmail.com
- Personal Webpage: https://web.ogu.edu.tr/mlcv
- Phone: 3291
- Office: -
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semih ERGIN
- Research Interests: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Digital Systems
- Email: sergin -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3265
- Office: B-209
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozge YANAZ CINAR
- Research Interests: Electromagnetic Wave Scattering, Flow acoustics, Wiener-Hopf Technique
- Email: oyanazcinar -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: http://ozgecinar.ogu.edu.tr
- Phone: 3286
- Office: B-408
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erol SEKE
- Research Interests: Signal and Image Processing, Communication
- Email: eseke -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: https://web.ogu.edu.tr/eseke/
- Phone: 3273
- Office: -
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Serhan YAVUZ
- Research Interests: Digital Signal/Image Processing, Fuzzy Logic
- Email: hsyavuz -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: http://mlcv.ogu.edu.tr
- Phone: 3287
- Office: B-407
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Helin DUTAGACI
- Research Interests: 3D ComputerVision, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval
- Email: helindutagaci -AT- gmail.com
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: -
- Office: -
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Faruk DIRISAGLIK
- Research Interests: Semiconductor Devicess, Non-volatile Memories, Electro-thermal Characterization
- Email: fdirisaglik -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: -
- Office: -
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Gokhan DINDIS
- Research Interests: Real-time/Multi-process./High-speed Data Acquisition & Control, 3d Animation, HV, Magnetics, Detecting & Mapping. (20+ years of hands-on design engineering in the USA)
- Email: gokhan -AT- roboturk.com
- Personal Webpage: http://www.roboturk.com/
- Phone: 3283
- Office: B-411
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak URAZEL
- Research Interests: Power Systems and Optimization
- Email: burazel -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3285
- Office: B-409
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kemal KESKIN
- Research Interests: Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Optimization
- Email: kkeskin -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3181
- Office: B-211
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak KALECI
- Research Interests: Control Systems, Robotics
- Email: burakaleci -AT- gmail.com
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3166
- Office: B-303
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayrettin ODABASI
- Research Interests: Electromagnetics, Metamaterials, Transformation Optics, Computational Imaging, Microwave Imaging, Computational Electromagnetics, Antenna Design and Miniaturization
- Email: hodabasi -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3289
- Office: B-405
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ataberk NECATİ
- Research Interest: Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3292
- Office: B-402
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ipek CETINBAS
- Research Interests: Photovoltaic Systems, Power Electronics
- Email: ipekcetinbas -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3272
- Office: B-304
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sezgin SECIL
- Research Interests: Control Systems, Robotics
- Email: ssecil -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3276
- Office: B-308
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Gulin ELIBOL SECIL
- Research Interests: Control Systems, Robotics
- Email: gelibol -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3275
- Office: B-307
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Dr. Feyza YILMAZ
- Research Interests: Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
- Email: f.yilmaz -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3284
- Office: B-410
- Detailed Information
Res. Asst. Sukriye KARA
- Research Interests: Computer Vision, Robotics
- Email: karas -AT- ogu.edu.tr
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3274
- Office: B-306
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Ahmet DEMİR
- Research Interests: Deep Learning, Image Processing, Biomedical Pattern Recognition
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 3537
- Office: Lab11
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Hacı Bekir ABANUZOĞLU
- Research Interests: Electromagnetic Waves
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: -
- Office: -
- Detailed Information